Thursday, August 9, 2012

So, what's to come...???

      So, it is time for this summer internship at the Bowers Museum to come to an end.  The summer has escaped me completely!  But what is that saying, "time fly's when your having fun?"  But while the History 398 course is closing, I still have one more week in my internship, to wrap up all the loose ends.  So let me detail what my last duties will include.  

      Now that the contact list binder is complete, organized, and a marvel, there are a few remaining steps to take, to get the Public Relations department into a prime, oiled, high-performance machine.  Below, I took an aerial photo of the binder, to show the organization and segmentation.  Not to mention the hundreds of sheets of paper.   

      Next would be to call PatronMail, and ask them to delete the old lists, that I have now edited and updated.  Then we will upload the new lists to the PatronMail system, where we pull our contacts directly from, to email press releases on new exhibits or coming events the museum is hosting. 

      Next, I need to make a conglomerate Excel sheet, while I wait for PatronMail to scrap the old lists.  One for all of the "Media" contact lists and one for all the "University Related Information" contact lists.  The steps of this project all seem to be simple, which they are, but it is the time that each steps takes, and the maticulous focus it demands.  But it will all be over by Wednesday, August 15th! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Quick Peak

                A Quick Peak before the Big Reveal

  As promised, I have taken a few photos of this infamous (in my opinion) binder of located, edited, and formatted contact lists of the public relations department of Bowers Museum.  I made the cover real clear to understand what the binder contained.  The binder contains the folder of "Media" lists, "University Related Information," and "PatronMail" lists.  Each folder is alphabetized and user friendly.  Clean, clear, and educational was the aim of this binder.

       Inside the cover is a "Numbers Breakdown" sheet.  This notes the percentage of "bad emails" or "opted  outs" calculated.  These percentages are a significant reason why the Public Relations department was not performing to its highest potential.  Unfortunate to report, but not all 51.5% of the "Media" PatronMail emails were found.  Nor were all 25.8% of "University Related Information" PatronMail contacts found.  A few needles in those haystacks had quite the disguises.

        The next photo is a snapshot of one of the printed Excel document, to show my reader what the binder of roughly thirty-two hundred sheets of contact list filled paper looked like.  This is one of the "Media" sheets, displaying the Outlets Name, First and Last Name of the contact, their Title, and their Email.  The binder, minus two more folder of the "University Related Information" lists, is almost over compensating at this point.  And it weighs about nine pounds.  It will be humorous to see my boss' face, with the finished project.